Monday, April 13, 2009

The ABC's of Texas!

A lot of fun!

binkies, baths, blankies, bedtime, bubbles...


doggy!... or should I say 'goggy'

Easter eggs!... and eggo waffles :)

fruit 'nackies'


hold you! (meaning: I want you to hold me! Quite difficult when both girls want you!)

I lub you!

juicy in my 'bo-du'


lovin' living the life of a mom! haha

Mailbox trips... everyday!

now that I'm gone, I miss the Frodsham Family SO stinkin' bad!

Outings outside in the wonderful summer weather..

parks, pigtails, popsicles...'po-ka-ka

Quite an adventure with 2 year old twins!

riverwalk... Rita's for dinner, with Bridgette and the girls! Downtown..

San Antonio!

terrible two's... TIMES 2! No no it wasn't THAT bad... ;)

Umbrella...?! It rained HUGE raindrops one day!

very, VERY cute and fun girls!


xcited' little girls... LOVED being with them!

You are my sunshine... :)

zZzzzZZzzzzZzzzz.... great naps for them- and me!


  1. Ky this is so adorable! it sounds like you had way too much fun in texas :)

  2. Ha ha you spend too much time over there in the ELED department :) just kidding its cute! i love it!
